
—одержаниеIntroduction → „асть 1

[ „асть 1. √лава 1. ]

This is not a Dilbert book. It contains no humor. I call it a 132-page thought experiment wrapped in a fictional story. IТll explain the thought experiment part later.

GodТs Debris doesnТt fit into normal publishing www.secretsbooks.ru cubbyholes. There is even disagreement about whether the material is fiction or nonfiction. I contend that it is fiction because the characters donТt exist. Some people contend that it is nonfiction because the opinions and philosophies of the characters might have lasting impact on the reader.

The story contains no violence, no sexual content, and no offensive language. But the ideas expressed by the characters are inappropriate for young minds. People under the age of fourteen should not read it.

The target audience for GodТs Debris is people who enjoy having their brains spun around inside their skulls. After a certain age most people are uncomfortable with new ideas. That certain age varies by person, but if youТre over fifty-five (mentally) you probably wonТt enjoy this thought experiment. If youТre eighty going on thirty-five, you might like it. If youТre twenty-three, your odds of liking it are very good.

The storyТs central character has a view about God that youТve probably never heard before. If you think you would be offended by a fictional characterТs untraditional view of God, please donТt read this.

The opinions and philosophies expressed by the characters are not my own, except by coincidence in a few spots not worth mentioning. Please donТt write me with passionate explanations of why my views are wrong. You wonТt discover my opinions by reading my fiction.

The central character in GodТs Debris knows everything. Literally everything. This presented a challenge to me as a writer. When you consider all of the things that can be known, I donТt know much. My solution was to create smart-sounding answers using the skepticТs creed:

The simplest explanation is usually right.

My experience tells me that in this complicated world the simplest explanation is usually dead wrong. But IТve noticed that the simplest explanation usually sounds right and is far more convincing than any complicated explanation could hope to be. ThatТs good enough for my purposes here.

The simplest-explanation approach turned out to be more provocative than I expected. The simplest explanations for the Big Questions ended up connecting paths that donТt normally get connected. The description of reality in GodТs Debris isnТt true, as far as I know, but itТs oddly compelling. Therein lies the thought experiment:

Try to figure out whatТs wrong with the simplest explanations.

The central character states a number of scientific Уfacts. Ф Some of his weirdest statements are consistent with what scientists generally believe. Some of what he says is creative baloney designed to sound true. See if you can tell the difference.

You might love this thought experiment wrapped in a story. Or you might hate it. But you wonТt easily get it out of your mind. For maximum enjoyment, share GodТs Debris with a smart friend and then discuss it while enjoying a tasty beverage.

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